Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Hardcore fans have been eagerly anticipating this event and now the wait is finally over! Check your training wheels at the door, ladies and gentlemen, because this going to be the one Anime Nite Orlando that won't easily be forgotten.

On Thursday, June 18th at Bikkuri Lounge will be a very special Capcom vs SNK edition with Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture and Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie!

Not only that, we're tag teaming with CEO Gaming to host this event! CEO is the most epic fighting game event in the world, taking place June 26th - 28th right here in Orlando, FL at the Wyndham Orlando Resort. (Same hotel as AFO.) Not only do they have the biggest tournaments and a massive turnout of fans, but this year, Capcom's Street Fighter V will be PLAYABLE at CEO!

We will also be raffling off 2 pairs of CEO 2015 Spectator Passes before our main feature! GET HYPE!


These two movies represent everything that is glorious about 90s action anime! Great fights, tons of fanservice, and KMFDM's "Ultra." If you watched anime at least 15 years ago, then you probably have seen these movies but they are still tons of fun! Here are the contestants!

In Fatal Fury:The Motion Picture, Terry Bogard and company quest the world with a young girl name Sulia to find all the pieces of the Armor of Mars before her twisted brother does and becomes the feared living god... Gaudeamus! Directed by the infamous Masami Obari!

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie is probably the most famous fighting game anime of all time. It even had a huge influence on Capcom's Street Fighter Alpha/Zero series, even down to the character designs.

Years after Ryu has defeated Sagat to win the Street Fighter tournament, the evil crime syndicate Shadowlaw begins abducting powerful fighters around the world for experiments and brainwashing. Now, Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, and Guile must join forces to stop M. Bison and his evil bosses from world domination!

It may sound cheesy to some of you, and it is. But it will be a most excellent night of fun anime!

Every third Thursday of the month, we host Anime Nite Orlando at Bikkuri Lounge, located at 1919 E, Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL! This event is free and doors open at 8:00pm! You must be over 18 years of age with a valid I.D. to enter.

Bikkuri Lounge is an anime fan's paradise with the best in Japanese cuisine including sushi and sake, and a full bar with drink specials such as 2-for-1 beers and $4.00 wells until midnight!

Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and keep us in your Google+ circles!

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