Propeller Anime Radio #26: With SSS's Vinz Clortho! Orange Anime Then and Now, Traveling Asia, MegaCon, Spooky Electric!
Posted by : Unknown
Kamis, 14 Mei 2015
In this episode of Propeller Anime Radio, we bring in the guy who broke Kent into the anime community here in Orlando nearly a decade ago, Vinz Clortho! Now you know who to thank! (Or blame, if you are the scourge of anime community villainy!) Formerly of Orange Anime and now of Solid State Society, Vinz has spent over five years traveling all of Asia, including Japan!
We discuss Vinz�s travels, including what anime culture was like in Tokyo during his time there. Plus, we talk about the old days of Orange Anime and what it is like now, running anime groups, breaking into hosting events at conventions, the state of anime at MegaCon, and tales of the legendary Spooky Electric!
We even make time to talk about anime!
Speaking of watching anime, we have Anime Nite Orlando on May 21st! It�s Macross May! Make sure you RSVP and come out!
If you like what we do, please hit the donate button the side of our webpage and send us what you can! Running this podcast(and Propeller Anime in general) every month costs money and any amount is appreciated!
Music Used: �Midlife Crisis� by Tribe One featuring Adam WarRock