Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

We're well into the hot as hell Florida summer! For this special occasion, our Bostonian friends Jonathan and Andrew from the Wicked Anime podcast come down to our lair for a visit! 

We talk about the highlights of E3, the lack of an anime equivalent, hardcore anime, bonehead business decisions from Japan, Dragon Ball Super, and blue jacket Lupin the 3rd. Plus, we rant about Final Fantasy and people who talk during anime showings!

Now, we were supposed to put this podcast out in June, but between AFO planning, CEO, and Ongaku Overdrive; finding time to edit the podcast and get it up. It's still great conversation though! 

We'll be playing catchup and our next episode will cover the fallout of Anime Expo! There was some sweet news out there and we'll be covering the highlights from that and much more.

Check out our past episodes in our archive and subscribe to our RSS feed! You can also listen to our podcast on iTunes and Sticher Radio! If you have any questions for the mailbag, e-mail them to

If you like what we do, please hit the donate button the side of our webpage and send us what you can! Running this podcast(and Propeller Anime in general) every month costs money and any amount is appreciated!

Music Used: "Far Enough" by Kadesh Flow and "Demonstrating my Saiya Style" by Rise of the Northstar

Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and keep us in your Google+ circles!

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