Posted by : Unknown
Jumat, 06 Februari 2015
oh YEAAAAAHHH! We have a hot new podcast! Kent has a 1 on 1 with Aaron Haaland at The Geek Easy in Winter Park! Lots of awesome stuff coming up there! Plus we talk about SwampCon, Colorful, Letter to Momo, Toonami Cuts, and the correct and incorrect ways of inviting Propeller Anime to work with you!
We even rant about bringing Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to America and music rights! And Kent gives the run down for Golden Boy at Anime Nite Orlando, with a most excellent drinking game! All this and more on today's episode of Propeller Anime Radio! DIG IT!
We even rant about bringing Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to America and music rights! And Kent gives the run down for Golden Boy at Anime Nite Orlando, with a most excellent drinking game! All this and more on today's episode of Propeller Anime Radio! DIG IT!
Check out our past podcasts in our archive and subscribe to our RSS feed! You can also listen to our podcast on Sticher Radio! If you have any questions for the mailbag, e-mail
If you like what we do, please hit the donate button the side of our webpage and send us what you can! Running this podcast(and Propeller Anime in general) every month costs money and any amount is appreciated!
Music used: "Inner Universe" by Origa and "Akuyaku?Concerto" by Oingo & Boingo