Posted by : Unknown
Jumat, 05 Desember 2014
Holy cow! It's been a few months, but Propeller Anime Radio returns! Rejoice! Kent and Shamus talk a lot of Shonen Jump, and the return(again) of Hayao Miyazaki! Plus, Kent is all caught up on Vertical's releases of Mobile Suit Gundam: Origin, written by The Yas! Is it the best Gundam thing ever?!
Here's what we cover in our 20th podcast!
- What the hell have we been doing since episode #19
- Getting back into One Piece
- Recapping the Fishman Island arc
- The mess of the Naruto ending
- Recalling the parts of Naruto that were actually good
- Is Bleach one of the worst manga ever?
- Dragonball won't die
- J-STARS VICTORY VS for the Playstation 3!
- The glory of Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
- Gihren Zabi's a fucking douchebag
- Favorite manga series
- Hayao Miyazaki returns! (Again)
- What the hell are Takeshi Koike and Mamoru Hosoda doing?
- Getting excited for our Holiday Charity Party
If you like what we do, please hit the donate button the side of our webpage and send us what you can! Running this podcast(and Propeller Anime in general) every month costs money and any amount is appreciated!
Music used: The Day the Robots Took Over by Random aka Mega Ran and Recurring Dreams from Benjamin Briggs!
Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and keep us in your Google+ circles!