Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

Man, what a party we had last week! Thank you all again for coming out and making Propeller Anime the most party anime club in the entire galaxy! Today is our official birthday as we are now eight years old! Thank you for all the love and support over the years!

Before we start YEAR NINE, let's give thanks to all those who helped with the party!

First, thank you to Aaron and Jason at The Geek Easy for having us! It feels good to be back and we look forward to returning again for more partying! And big shoutouts to Fishtoaster for running sound all night! We appreciate your dedication to the party!

We want to thank our girls Nina, Alison, and Diana for helping with decorations for the party! (And Phil and Glitch with the assist!) For videogames, we thank Derek, Jacob, Brotha, Kyo, and Chozo for bringing their consoles and TV for the night! And thanks to Shamus for running the tournaments and gathering AMVs!

More thanks to our sponsors Anime Festival OrlandoAnime Orlando IncCybertron Video GamesDiscotek MediaSerious Impact Works, and Crunchyroll for all the cool prizes! Please support them!

Big thanks to EyeQ, O_Super, S.S. Hanami, and Chozo Ninpo for performing musical goodness on stage. Then Chris, Kyo, and Brandon for judging that epic Jojo's Bizarre Adventure posing contest! And congrats to Phillip Marunowski for winning!


Awesome. So in year eight, we partied hard, watched lots of really cool anime, made lots of buds, and even got anime into a movie theater for a day! We rocked hard at Anime Festival Orlando, SwampCon, Anime Weekend Atlanta, and Knightrokon! 

In year nine, we still are going to party hard and watch really cool anime! We're still gonna run wild at conventions! We're still going to have the best anime nights anywhere. And we still are going to be the best anime club ever! oh YEAH! But we can't do it without YOU so please keep the party going with us!

With that said, we have a couple big events in November. We'll be at the Orlando Japan Festival with our friends at Anime Spot on Sunday, November 2nd. Then on Thursday, November 20th will be another exciting edition of Anime Nite Orlando at Bikkuri Lounge! We'll have posts up soon, but for now, click on the links to RSVP!

Also, if you like what we do and want to support us, we have a donate button on this website and also an online store with t-shirts and stuff! Spreading the word also helps! Let's kick some ass in year nine! OSU!

Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and keep us in your Google+ circles!

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