Posted by : Unknown Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

October is a huge month for Propeller Anime! Not only do we have our sweet anniversary party coming up, but we even have totally crazy ANIME NITE ORLANDO coming up!

We're going into the Land of Horror on October 9th at Bikkuri Lounge, located at 1919 E. Colonial Dr. Our features will be Gyo and Wicked City! Both movies will be filled with plenty of violence, sexual content, and WTF Japan?! Viewer discretion is advised.

GYO: Okinawa is taken by an influx of disturbingly bizarre walking fishes that are leaving the ocean and are heading to the cities. Amid this freakish event, a girl named Kaori loses contact with her boyfriend Tadashi, who lives in Tokyo. 

She heads to the capital to try to locate him, only to find out that the metropolis has been taken over by the fish and their foul stench.

Wicked City: For centuries, a secret peace treaty has existed between Earth and The Black World, a parallel dimension populated by shape-changers possessing awesome supernatural powers. But now, that pact is up for renewal and a militant faction from the Black World plans to do everything in their power to stop the treaty from being signed. 

The fate of the world now rests in the ability of a pair of special agents, one a human, the other a shape-changer from the distaff dimension, to make sure things go according to plan.

Wicked City is also directed by master director, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, who is also the man behind Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, A Wind Named Amnesia, Demon City Shinjuku and other classics!

For those not familiar with Anime Nite Orlando, in addition to anime being played, Bikkuri Lounge has a full bar and a restaurant with great Japanese dinner choices on the menu. Drink specials for the night are 2-for-1 beers and $3 well drinks.

Anime Nite Orlando is free to attend and doors open at 8pm. You must be at least 18 years of age with a valid I.D. to enter.

Summaries courtesy of Anime News Network Encyclopedia.

Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and keep us in your Google+ circles!

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