Posted by : Unknown Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

Happy New Year! 2013 was a great year for anime fans and 2014 has a few things to be excited about already. (Space Dandy premieres January 4th!) In January, Propeller Anime will be busy with the Best of 2013 Anime Showcase, Anime Nite Orlando, and panels at SwampCon!

The Best of 2013 Anime Showcase will be on Sunday, January 12th at the Plaza Cinema Cafe in downtown Orlando. (155 S Orange Ave, Orlando, Florida 32801)

We strongly urge you to RSVP if you are going. Wristbands for entry will be given out at 1pm and the showcase will be begin at 2pm. Seating is limited and first come, first serve so please arrive early. Our committee is almost finished voting and it's going to be an awesome four hours of 2013's best anime!

Afterward, we'll go downstairs at the Horsepower Bar and Grill for the after-party!

On Thursday, January 16th, we'll have the first Anime Night Orlando of the year with Perfect Blue as our main feature! It's the first film of the legendary Satoshi Kon(Paprika, Millenium Actress) and it's our first time showing it at Anime Nite Orlando! We're still figuring out what to show with it, but it will be awesome!

As always, Anime Nite Orlando will be at Bikkuri Lounge at 919 E. Colonial Dr. is downtown Orlando and doors will open at 8pm!

Our first convention appearance of the year will be at SwampCon at the University of Florida. The convention will be January 18th and 19th with all of our panels on Sunday, January 19th! Here's our lineup!

11:00am - Anime's Best Supporting Characters
12:00pm - Propeller Anime's Best of 2013
2:00pm - Essential Anime Classics: 90s Edition
6:00pm - Anime Death Match

We'll have more details on panels, including locations as soon as we have it. SwampCon is FREE to attend and you can RSVP on Facebook.

It's exciting to be back! We're looking forward to the new year and the fun times that we're all going to have together!

Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and keep us in your Google+ circles!

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