Posted by : Unknown Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

To the surprise of no one, Propeller Anime will be hosting events at our favorite Florida anime convention, Anime Festival Orlando! AFO is a big deal for us because you guys come out and show us a lot of love at our events along with an interest to find more cool anime and manga to check out!

When it's time to do AFO, we bring it something down right fierce. We put a lot of effort an research into our events and our goal is that everyone leaves a better anime fan than they came in. Propeller Anime has a huge event lineup this year with NINE events hosted by members of our group. Check them out below!

OMFG! Nerdy Music for Anime Fans and Gamers

With the first-ever Orlandia Music Festival GO! nerdy music about anime & videogames now has as a presence at AFO! Find out what nerdy music is, why it's great & the acts you should check out! Hosted by Ongaku Overdrive!

Iron Cardboard Robot Cosplay

Up to 8 teams of 3 will compete for 75 minutes to create and wear robot costumes using cardboard, foil, tape, construction paper, and a secret ingredient! The best team wins prizes courtesy of Propeller Anime!

The Wicked World of Go Nagai!

Welcome to the twisted and wicked world of manga artist Go Nagai. Experience all the debauchery and ultra violence of uncle Go as we go through some of his best adult works and show you why he is a legendary name in manga and anime.

Super Sentai Showdown

Tokusatsu fans! it is time to debate which Super Sentai heroes are the strongest and the best. Everyone has an opinion, but can your's influence who is the strongest in all of Super Sentai!?

30 Years of Gainax

From Gunbuster to Evangelion. From FLCL to Panty & Stocking. This panel will be covering the awesome history of one of Japan's most controversial animation studios.

Patlabor: The King of Real Robot Anime

Discover the essential sci-fi classic that features an intelligent take on the use of robots(known as "labors") in the real world, tackling complicated topics in crime, terrorism, and what happens when labors go rouge.

It's MANIME! The Manly Anime Panel!

It's time for an event that is FOR MEN BY MEN! With the MANIME movement taking to movie theaters & television in Japan, this celebration for extreme violence, tragedy, testosterone & justice burns with a stronger flame!

AFO Death Match

Contenders in the world of anime battle in a no-holds-barred tournament where the winners are determined by YOU as attendees debate which characters would win in a fight!

Running a Successful Anime Club

Ever wanted to start an anime club or take yours to the next level? The leaders of Florida�s top clubs will show you how to get started, build a membership, promote, and host awesome events!

Anime Festival Orlando will be August 16th through 18th at the Renaissance Orlando by Sea World. It's a fantastic new spot that can make it so AFO can become Florida's first big-time anime convention. Make sure you go to to register for your pass and get a hotel room so you can party hard all weekend with awesome people like use!

Propeller Anime is Orlando's mightiest anime club! You can like Propeller Anime on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and keep us in your Google+ circles!

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